Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Mother/Daughter Tradition

Every Christmas season my daughter and I make a new set of homemade ornaments for our Christmas Tree. Last year we made pinecones rolled in glitter. She was only 3 years old then and that was a very age appropriate project.

Its amazing how much maturity a year can bring. My daughter is now 4 and very interested in learning how to sew. This year we used burlap and made stuffed star ornaments. It gave her a chance to see how a simple little "pillow" is made and gave her an opportunity to try a few short legnths on my sewing machine.

 We used a simple piece of jute to serve as "hooks".

 Our ornaments are by no means perfect, but they are not meant to be. They are simply to serve as a visual of growth from year to year. I'm sure next years ornaments will include much more detail. But for now we stick to simple!

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Megan Gunyan said...

What a great tradition! I can't believe a 4 year old did that! ;) Very talented.

Erica- A Farmhouse Family said...

Thanks so much!! She is becoming quite the little crafting partner!! BTW, LOVE your blog!! And thanks for leaving me my very first comment :-)